Nov 1, 2012

New acquisitions

De tanto ver a propaganda do JustFab resolvi comprar um sapato no site, e confesso foi bem díficil escolher um só, tem muitos sapatos lindos, mas não sabia da qualidade do serviço e do produto então achei melhor comprar um só. Mas quando fui fazer o checkout vi que eles estavam com a promoção buy 1 get 1 free e acabei escolhendo uma bolsa também. Eu adorei tanto a bolsa quanto o sapato e com certeza, comprarei mais algumas coisas que já estou de olho!

I saw the JustFab commercial so many times that I decided to buy a shoe on the website, and I confess that it was very difficult to choose just one, they have so many gorgeous shoes, but I didn't know the quality of the service and the quality of the product so I thought it was better to buy just one. But when I was doing the checkout I saw that they had the promotion buy 1 get 1 free and I ended up choosing a bag too. I loved both, the bag and the shoes and I'll buy more things for sure!

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